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Insert an Image

You’ll no doubt want to at some point add an image to any site you make. Let’s add an image to our new page to see how it works.

The basic Markdown syntax for adding an image is:

![image alt text](path or URL to your image)

Alt text briefly describes your image, and impacts your site’s accessibility a search-ability. Always add short alt-text descriptions to your images.

Your image path or URL must be included as well. If you’re using a, URL it must be to the image file endpoint.

Since we already have an image file we want to use in our content/img folder, let’s go ahead and add it using a relative path.

1 Determine your relative path

You should see the path to your new page at the top of your page, which looks something like this: file path

We want to add an image on this page showing a map. The image file for that map is in our content/img/ folder. The path to that file is:


The relative path from our .md page file to the .png image is: img/fav-map.png

This is like saying the fav-map.png file is located in the img folder, in the current folder

Edit your file by clicking on the edit file button:

edit file

In the text area below your front matter, paste the following link text:

![My favorite map](img/fav-map.png)

2 Commit your changes

Step 1

Add a short message like “added an image”

Step 2

Click on the green “commit changes button.

Now, count to 30, then refresh your browser to see the changes to your site.