Embedding from your digital collections
When adding an item from a digital collection, the best option is to look for an embed code option for the item you would like to add to your markdown page.
From Luna:
Use the embed link built into Luna. Tip: maximize the image first then use the embed code to avoid side bars/menus.
<iframe id="widgetPreview" frameBorder="0" width="900px" height="450px" border="0px" style="border:0px solid white" src="https://cudl.colorado.edu/luna/servlet/workspace/handleMediaPlayer?lunaMediaId=CUB~13~13~27~151317&embedded=true&cic=CUB%7E13%7E13&widgetFormat=javascript&widgetType=workspace&controls=1&nsip=1" ></iframe>
Here is an example from Stanford’s digital repository:
For this example, I visited this map of Bodega Bay, CA, clicked the Share button, chose Embed, and copied and pasted the embed code directly into my markdown document.
<iframe src="https://embed.stanford.edu/iframe?url=https://purl.stanford.edu/jn190kd7795" title="Image viewer" width="800" height="600" allowfullscreen frameborder="0" />